


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are both methods of hair transplantation that are used to restore hair to areas of the scalp that are thinning or balding.

FUE involves individually extracting healthy hair follicles from a donor area on the scalp, typically the back or sides of the head, and transplanting them to the recipient area. This is done using a small punch tool to remove each follicle one by one. The donor area is left with small, dot-like spots that are usually not noticeable. The smaller the punch is the less noticeable the spots will be. Dr. Rob Berberian performs the manual FUE technique himself from start to finish using the smallest punch size possible to achieve the best results.

FUT, on the other hand, involves removing a strip of skin from the donor area and dissecting it into individual hair follicles under a microscope. These follicles are then transplanted to the recipient area. The donor area is left with a linear scar that may be more noticeable, especially if the patient has short hair. The recovery process from the FUT is very painful and pain will persist for several months. Dr. Berberian no longer offers the FUT procedure as he is one of the pioneers of the manual FUE hair transplant performing large 4000+ graft cases.

There are several reasons why FUE may be considered a better option than FUT:

  1. Scarring: FUE leaves small, dot-like spots that are usually not noticeable, while FUT leaves a linear scar that will be noticeable and is irreversible.
  2. Healing time: FUE typically has a shorter healing time than FUT because it does not involve the removal of a strip of skin.
  3. Risk of complications: FUE has a lower risk of complications than FUT because it is a less invasive procedure.
  4. Pain: FUE is generally less painful than FUT because it involves smaller incisions.
  5. Hair growth: FUE will result in more natural-looking hair growth because the hair is transplanted in smaller, more natural-looking groups.

It's important to note that both FUE and FUT can be effective methods of hair transplantation, and the best option for a particular patient will depend on their specific needs and goals. It is always best to discuss the pros and cons of each method with a qualified hair transplant surgeon before making a decision.

You can submit photos of your hair for a free evaluation and virtual consultation with Dr. Rob Berberian himself. We do not have sales reps involved in our practice. We are not a hair transplant clinic. We are a boutique private practice in Newport Beach, CA and we only accept one patient per day.

Every single one of our patients receives VIP treatment and will have the direct telephone number of Dr. Berberian for any questions that come up after the procedure. We specialize in fixing botched transplants and revision work.

We pride ourselves in providing the best service, the most natural custom hairlines and the best results. Most of our cases are booked 3-4 months in advance. Make sure to pick the right surgeon the first time around. Your donor area has a limited number of grafts. Do not let an inexperienced surgeon ruin your donor area. The damage is irreversible. 

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You can submit your photos via DM, Email or text at 424-744-3816


dr.-rob-berberian-fue-hair-transplant-before-after-pic-1.jpgDr. Rob Berberian - FUE Hair Transplant Los Angeles Newport Beach

To read more about the manual FUE hair transplant performed by Dr. Rob Berberian, click here: Best FUE Hair Transplant Dr. Rob Berberian


Serving FUE Hair Transplant Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County and all other local areas.

Even out of state patients are welcome to contact us for a free consultation and we can help with providing local arrangements for your stay for Hair Transplant Surgery or any cosmetic procedures.

Hair Transplant Los Angeles - Hair Transplant Orange County - Hair Transplant San Diego

Contact Us Below! Free Consultation!


Let us know what your hair goals are and we will reach out to you to arrange a virtual or an in person consultation with Dr. Rob Berberian and provide you the best quote for your procedure!


We make hair dreams come true!


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